
Community Engagement

Supporting a Strong Community

Kwe Law Firm believes that the only way the community will thrive is if everyone is dedicated to active involvment. That is why the firm is dedicated to community engagement. Highly focused on service and positive impact, Shauna Coons, the owner of the firm, is a leader and member in many different tribal activities and associations outside of the legal field.


Shauna is a member of the National Tribal Land Association (Board Member 2014-2015; Conference Planning Committee 2014-2015). She is a member of the Independent School District #728, Early Childhood Family Education Parent Advisory Council (Member, 2010-2013; Co-Chair, 2012-2013; Marketing Committee Member, 2010-2013). She is also on the Board of Regents for the Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe Community College and serves as its treasurer.