
Indian Land

Restoring Indian Land Rights

Our firm consults and negotiates with the Bureau of Indian Affairs and various governmental entities to restore Indian land that rightfully belongs to the tribe. We have advocated and negotiated with governmental entities on behalf of tribes related to Environmental Assessments, Section 106 consultations under the National Historic Preservation Act, and the removal of encumbrances to enable tribes to exert their inherent sovereignty on their lands and pursue fee-to-trust status.

We have also drafted and obtained a Reservation-Proclamation from the Bureau of Indian Affairs for the Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians adding over 2,000 acres to the Tribe’s Reservation. These accomplishments are just some of the many successes Kwe Law Firm has had litigating and negotiating for Indian land. 

We have protected, implemented, and enforced hunting, fishing and gathering rights within and outside reservation boundaries under treaties with the United States, including representing a tribe in consultation and joint enforcement with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Commission.

Kwe Law Firm offers expert advice on zoning, land use, and federal land management regulations. If your tribe is looking for someone who will fight for their rightfully owned land, contact Kwe Law Firm.